Annual Fund

The Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy Annual Fund provides critical resources for our students to receive an exceptional education in a pluralistic Jewish setting, in addition but not limited to supporting a vibrant student body with more than 55 clubs and 6 publications, and our outstanding College Counseling Program, which helps students navigate their academic and future goals.

Office of Israel Education and Engagement

The Office of Israel Education and Engagement supports programs and staffing which elevate Israel education and engagement within Barrack Hebrew Academy. This office expands upon formal classroom experiences and immersive Israel experiences that are already part of the Barrack system, to provide students and faculty members with additional learning opportunities throughout one’s Barrack career and through a variety of different approaches.

The Office will primarily support the following endeavors:

• National and local partnerships with Israel education and engagement providers
• Programs and content delivery for different grade cohorts
• Greater access to and funding of regular professional development and experiences for faculty

• Speaker Series
• Access to Israel-focused thought leaders and educators as guest presenters, both in person and virtually

• Consistent staffing of Israel Education Coordinator role
• Coordinate visioning and facilitation of initiatives and curriculum

• Fellowship and cohort learning experiences
• Unique experiences for smaller groups of students

Please include the Office of Israel Education and Engagement in your giving plans.