Michael Oren,
Israel’s former Ambassador to the United States
Michael Oren served in the IDF as a lone soldier in the paratroopers and then as an IDF spokesman. He was Israel’s Ambassador to the United States from 2009 to 2013, where he was instrumental in fortifying the U.S.-Israel alliance and in obtaining U.S. defense aid. Oren served as a member of Knesset and Deputy Minister of Diplomacy in the Prime Minister’s Office, overseeing efforts to strengthen Israel-Diaspora relations, develop the Golan Heights and fight BDS.
He has authored several New York Times bestsellers, including Six Days of War, Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israel Divide and Power, Faith and Fantasy, and is the founder of Israel Advocacy Group. His most recent book is 2048: The Rejuvenated State and most recent writing can be found on his
Substack, Clairity.